Sorority and Fraternity Life: Home Away from Home

Sorority and Fraternity Life: Home Away from Home

As a first-generation college student, my first year at UCI was a year of trial and error. Figuring out the best study methods, finding my way throughout campus, trying to manage school and life balance; I simply went through the motions of adjusting to college life. Although I made plenty of friendships and memories my first year, I still felt disconnected from UCI as a whole. 

During the Anteater Involvement Fair my second year, I decided to sign up for Panhellenic Primary Recruitment. I went into the Panhellenic Recruitment process knowing little to nothing about what being in a sorority actually entailed. My only expectation going into the recruitment process was finding a community that would help me feel at home and connected at UCI.    

As a fourth year in my last quarter at UCI, I can say with great confidence that joining the Panhellenic community was the best decision I made in my undergraduate career. Through the Panhellenic community, I have been able to push myself out of my comfort zone and have learned so much about myself these past three years. Being surrounded by strong, intelligent women who love and accept you for who you are, as well as push you to be the best version of yourself every day, is such an empowering experience. I have been able to meet so many different people from different walks of life, have participated in several philanthropic events to raise money for a wide range of causes and organizations, and have been able to serve different leadership roles within my own chapter and throughout the Panhellenic community. 

My favorite memory in the Panhellenic community would have to be serving as a Recruitment Counselor during Primary Recruitment during the fall of my third year. A Recruitment Counselor serves as a guide and mentor to incoming students going through the Panhellenic Recruitment process. I was able to meet and work with so many different women with different backgrounds in different chapters that I still keep in close contact with to this day. It was my experience as a Recruitment Counselor that inspired me to apply to be the President of the Panhellenic Association and give back to the community that provided me with a home and lifelong friendships during my time at UCI. 

There are three different councils that govern Sorority and Fraternity Life: the Panhellenic Association (exclusively sororities), the Multicultural Greek Council (sororities and fraternities), and the Interfraternity Council (exclusively fraternities). There are 23 sororities and 23 fraternities and each organization has its own philanthropy and values. Whether you’re interested in philanthropic service, community, leadership opportunities, there is a place for everyone in Sorority and Fraternity Life. 

If you would like to learn more about Sorority and Fraternity life, visit the websites down below: 

Sorority and Fraternity Life: 

Panhellenic Association: 

Multicultural Greek Council: 

Interfraternity Council:

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