All About Echolalia!

All About Echolalia!

Are you searching for a smaller community at UCI? Do you have work that you’re looking to publish? If your answer to either of these questions was yes, Echolalia is the student organization you’re looking for! The club works to platform the works of UCI students, whether that be creative or academic in nature. They accept a variety of pieces such as illustrations, poems, and research papers (and far more). Despite being a new club, Echolalia has quickly established itself as a beloved student literary journal. With over 40 active members, it’s a quickly growing club that is sure to establish itself as a more permanent fixture in the UCI community in future years. 

For those looking to be involved in the work aspect of the club, there are a few different ways to get involved. The club offers primarily two different roles: contributors and editors. When the form for student submissions is open on their website, people are welcome to send in their work if they’d like to work with an assigned editor to perfect the piece for publication as a contributor. Alternatively, people are welcome to apply for editorship and work with another student on their piece. Students are welcome to apply for both roles and may even get the opportunity to serve in both roles if available. Once students are accepted and paired, they work throughout the quarter at the club’s biweekly meetings till their pieces are ready for publishing. 

Although their publication has been completely online for the past year, ambitiously the club aims to print its first physical edition by the end of this academic year (in addition to continuing their online publishing). To take on this endeavor, they’ve opened an application to add new members to their club for a print team. The team would work to design and deal with the logistics of printing an annual journal that compiles the submissions of that academic year. 

However, even if you’re not interested in publishing your work or simply don’t have the time to commit, the club hosts bi-weekly social events open to everyone in an attempt to foster community and create a space for people to make connections. Many students I’ve talked to have found these events to be a great way to socialize, meet new people, and have some fun during the fast-paced quarter. The club plans socials in response to what its members want, and some past examples of their events are ice skating, karaoke, movie nights, and beach days. They also frequently collaborate with other writing-based organizations on campus to host events such as poetry nights and workshops for people looking to grow their skills or have a creative outlet. 

Overall, regardless of whether you’re looking for a social space, a platform for your work, or a collaborative experience, Echolalia might be the club for you! 

To recap here is all of the links you’ll need if you’re interested in joining!

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