What I Would Do Differently If I Can Experience College All Over Again

What I Would Do Differently If I Can Experience College All Over Again

As my last year at UCI comes to an end, I can’t help but reflect on all the memories I have made, the growth I have experienced, and also the things I would have done differently if I had the opportunity to start over. 

One of my biggest regrets of my college experience is not joining campus organizations earlier on. I joined my first organization during my third year after realizing that I wanted to find communities that reflected specific parts of my identity. As soon as I joined these organizations, I felt complete. I made friends with people I could relate to, learned about important social issues, was able to provide resources to others, and gained skills that will help me further the career I want to pursue. During my first year, I felt kind of alone while feeling like I was not doing enough, and I now know that I would have benefited so much from getting involved. I cannot help but wonder how much more I would have grown if I had just stepped out of my comfort zone and got involved earlier. 

Another thing I would do differently is that I would attend as many school events as possible. In my first year, I was constantly going to basketball and volleyball games and had so much fun. I truly feel that these events helped bring out my school spirit, and made me feel more connected to campus. After my first year, I got busy with classes and fieldwork hours, and thus stopped attending these events. Although resting and alone time are important for me, I definitely think I could still have made time for some events. Homecoming always caught my attention, and I promised myself every year that I would go, but I didn’t end up going. I have heard such good things about homecoming, and I know that I would have made fond memories. 

As I reflect on my thoughts, I realize that what stopped me from getting involved was my fear of feeling like I did not belong. I realized that the times I had the most fun or experienced visible growth were the times I did feel uncomfortable at first and sometimes scared. However, those feelings were only temporary and it allowed me to learn so much about myself, and to feel like I was a part of a supportive and empowering community. 

My advice for any student would be to step out of your comfort zone and to try new things, but also know your boundaries because they are important. Make the most out of your time at UCI because it flies by! 

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