Meet Our Writers: Emily

Meet Our Writers: Emily

Hey there! My name is Emily. I am a first-generation graduating senior studying business economics and public health policy with a specialization in global economy and international issues. Throughout my undergraduate career at UCI, I have served on the board of the Dean’s Ambassadors Council, contributed to research projects in Asian American studies, sociology, and public health, volunteered at CHOC Children’s Hospital, and led the Prison Education Project. I studied abroad at the National University of Singapore, where I grew my passion for healthcare and conducted independent research on wealth inequality. I have interned at ERTechnologies, UCI SEARCH Lab, Prescribe Wellness, American Heart Association, and UCI Douglas Hospital. I have been awarded for academic and leadership achievements by APIASF, Barnes and Noble, Kiwanis, and UCI Alumni Association. Beyond school, I love to read, paint, write music, and dance. You can almost always find me hiding behind a pile of books or working on my next creative project. In the future, I hope to pursue a master’s in public health and business administration to become a future healthcare leader and advocate.

Getting Involved in Your First Year at UCI

Getting Involved in Your First Year at UCI

Home Away From Home

Home Away From Home