First-Year Housing Q&A: Mesa Court Towers

First-Year Housing Q&A: Mesa Court Towers

When you think about entering college, a couple of things may come to mind: new friends, adventures, experiences, and for some, a new home! In fact, here at UCI about 80% of freshmen live on campus. So, for all you incoming freshmen, what will your dorm experience look like?

I caught up with two first years, Patty and Evelyn, who live in the Mesa Court Towers to talk about life in the dorms.

Where do you live?

Patty: Mesa Court Towers Mariposa

Evelyn: Mesa Court Towers Mariposa

Did you get your first housing choice?


Did you explore Mesa Court before you decided that you wanted to live there?

Patty: No, I didn’t explore them before, but I was curious so I watched YouTube videos and I first saw them at SPOP. While on a campus tour, people hyped them up and my friend from high school recommended it as well.

Evelyn: Just saw them from the outside during a campus tour. They looked nice and new. I also saw someone at Six Flags with a UCI sweater before coming here and I told them I was just accepted. They recommend Mesa Court.

Advice on where and what new students should look for in deciding where to live?

Patty: Research all options.

Evelyn: Are you willing to live with three other people? Or how bad do you want your space? Sometimes cooking is hard, because it is shared with another floor, will that affect your decision?

Roommates: Did you pick them or were they assigned to you?

Patty: I picked three of them from high school and met the fourth on Instagram. It was easy to get along because we were already friends from high school. For our fourth roommate, it was a process for all of our personalities to mix together.

Evelyn: I picked all of my roommates – my best friend from high school, my cousin, and her friend. Things didn’t work out with my cousin so we ended up getting a fourth random, but it all worked as we are all very happy and created new friendships. We even have introduced each other to different foods.

Is having roommates a new experience for you?

Patty: Yes, I always had my own space and never had sisters. I never grew up with a lot of girls, but always wanted sisterhood and now I do and have people I can turn to for advice.

Evelyn: I grew up with three brothers so I finally have girls to connect with. It was easier to make friends, too, with three more roommates and suitemates. The structure of the hall helps, too, as people are constantly passing by your room. The environment of the hall is more social and friendly.

How is the dining common experience?

Evelyn: The dining commons try to include all cultures. It introduced me to different food that my parents wouldn’t make. Sometimes I go to Brandywine* to change the flavors as sometimes they have something I like versus what the Anteatery is serving, like wings.

*The Anteatery is located in Mesa Court, but both Brandywine and the Anteatery are open to anyone on campus with a meal plan.

If you live in Mesa Court or Middle Earth you have to get a meal plan, any advice on which one is best?

Patty: With the 7-day plan I was gaining weight so I changed to the 5-day plan. I prefer to cook on the weekend instead.

Evelyn: I recommend the 5-day.

How would you describe your room to someone who has never seen it?

Patty: It’s not as small as you think.

Evelyn: As soon as you enter you will see a bunk bed to your left. In the middle of the space in between the bunk bed is two drawers. The best view, in my opinion, is from the fourth floor, first room window as it doesn’t face the other two towers and you can view the city.

Are there any amenities in Mesa Court and do you use any of them?

Patty: The gym!

Evelyn: The gym is convenient and the San Joaquin Marsh is close, so it’s nice to go and walk and or run.  

Eight girls to one bathroom… describe how that is?

Patty: Hair everywhere. I don’t like how there is water left all over the counter… You learn that not everyone is raised the same.

Evelyn: We compromised in the beginning. We all clean. Everyone has different schedules so showers don’t really clash.

Do you clean your own space?

Patty: Yes, I’m always the one that vacuums and we are always picking up after each other. There’s always that one messy roommate. You might be organized but you have to respect the way others do things.

Evelyn: We throw out the trash as much as we can and we’re all the same about keeping things clean.

What is something that you wish you knew before coming to the dorms?

Patty: I thought it would be scary to make friends, but everyone was friendly and it felt very welcoming. Don’t worry, you will make friends.

Evelyn: I didn’t know about RA’s (Resident Advisors) and their roles. I didn’t know they would bring everyone together with activities. The first day when we moved in, we all had to share a fun fact and now I always remember someone’s fun fact when we I see them in the hall. My RA is also really nice and I know that she’s there when I need advice.

Any tips or tricks for first-years looking to the dorm as far as things to bring?

Patty: Bring a fan! It gets stuffy! Febreze! Casual and formal clothes for interviews!

Evelyn: Bring a desk lamp!

Anything else you would like to add?

Patty: Don’t be scared to make friends. You do find your people in college eventually.

Evelyn: Leaving the door open helps. Be open.

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